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Secure Web Browsing


The Internet can be a dangerous place for unwary users. Inferior web browser configurations can lead to spy ware being mounted over a computer with out a user’s understanding, attackers taking control of the machine and taking information, or using the laptop as a robot to encounter others.

Protected web surfing starts with a well-configured browser. UCSC’s IT Security Team suggests using a modern day browser (Chrome, Edge, Chrome or Safari) with a suitable configuration that helps protect the privacy and data. You have to consider the utilization of add-ons or perhaps extensions which could provide numerous degrees of added functionality into a browser. Additionally it is a good idea to maintain the browser and add-ons/extensions current. A 64-bit version of the browser may be more robust against malware attacks as it provides more inherent coverage via something called resolve space layout randomization (ASLR).

It is recommended that a user only works with a single internet browser, and never “reserve” a web browser for any specific online assistance such as Gmail or Fb. The use of a solo browser allows for better reliability by only allowing one set of credentials being used on it, and decreases http://underantivirus.com/how-to-fix-avast-vpn-problems/ the potential for a destructive website to exploit a vulnerability in an slow program. Recharging options a good idea intended for users to allow password-protection features on pretty much all programs, and use solid passwords that comply with UCSC’s Password Requirements when necessary. Users also need to make sure they are certainly not storing any sensitive data in their browser, like debit card numbers, or perhaps using auto-complete to log into sites that need a account information.