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  3. A Beginner's Guide to Double-Entry Accounting

A Beginner’s Guide to Double-Entry Accounting


For assets and expenses a debit entry indicates an increase in the account balance,, and credit entries indicate an increase in account balance for revenue. Single entry bookkeeping is much like the running total of a current account. You see a list of deposits, a list of purchases, and the difference between the two equals the cash on hand. For very small businesses with only a handful of transactions, single entry bookkeeping can be sufficient for their accounting needs.

  • It also made it easier for bankers and merchants to understand their profits and costs, and may have been a fundamental concept in the creation of capitalism.
  • Debits are increases to an account, and credits are decreases to an account.
  • If you still think double entry bookkeeping sounds complicated, you may need to see it in action.
  • Double-entry bookkeeping, also known as double-entry accounting, is a method of bookkeeping that relies on a two-sided accounting entry to maintain financial information.

In double-entry accounting, you still record the $5.50 in your cash account, but you also record that $5.50 as an expense. There are recorded instances of double entry bookkeeping from as far back as 70 A.D. If you debit a cash asset account for $100, it indicates you add the money to the account, and if you credit it for $100, it indicates you subtract that money from the account.

You also have $20,000 in liabilities, which you’ll have to pay back to the bank with interest. This is why single-entry accounting isn’t sufficient for most businesses. You invested $15,000 of your personal money to start your catering business. When you deposit $15,000 into your checking account, your cash increases performance by $15,000, and your equity increases by $15,000. When you receive the money, your cash increases by $9,500, and your loan liability increases by $9,500. When you receive the $780 worth of inventory for your business, your inventory increase by $780, and your account payable also increases by $780.

Examples of Double Entry Accounting

A simple example is that if a sales invoice is issued, there will be an entry in the sales (profit and Loss Account), and the customer account increased (Debtors). As you can see, the entire accounting process starts with double entry bookkeeping. Whether you do your own bookkeeping with small business bookkeeping software or hire a bookkeeper, understanding this critical accounting concept is essential for the success of your small business. Accountants will use the general journal as part of their record-keeping system. The general journal is an initial record where accountants log basic information about a business transaction, such as when and where it occurred, along with the total amount. Each of these recorded business transactions are referred to as a journal entry.

In other words, if a company has $100 in assets and $50 in liabilities, then its equity must be $50. If a company has $100 in assets and $110 in liabilities, then its equity would be -$10. If the accounts are imbalanced, then there is a problem in the spreadsheet. A bookkeeper reviews source documents—like receipts, invoices, and bank statements—and uses those documents to post accounting transactions.

  • By logging both credit and debits in a double-entry bookkeeping system, you can accurately record your financial information.
  • When totalledup, these columns of debits and credits will be equal to one another.
  • It is then possible to look at the audit trail and see a list of all the transactions for the assets account.
  • Any company maintaining accurate accounts will record every transaction in a minimum of two accounts.
  • Let’s look at some examples of how double-entry bookkeeping is used for some common accounting transactions.

Many different software packages will complete the bookkeeping double entry system for you. For most businesses, there are several choices; these include using Excel,FreshBooks, Xero or QuickBooks or other online accounting services. One of the advantages is that it helps to minimise errors in the accounting system compared to a single entry. A single entry system will show the income, expenditure and bank balance; It’s the most straightforward and cheapest form of accounting. To help understand double entry bookkeeping, you need to look at the accounting equation.

Here’s a closer look at this financial process and how understanding double-entry bookkeeping can help your organisation. This then gives you and your investors or bank manager a good picture of the financial health of your business. The best way to get started with double-entry accounting is by using accounting software. Many popular accounting software applications such as QuickBooks Online, FreshBooks, and Xero offer a downloadable demo you can try.

What Is Double Entry?

Another component of the double-entry concept is that amounts that are entered as debits must equal those added as credits within general ledger accounts. A double entry accounting system requires a thorough understanding of debits and credits. At least one account will have an amount entered as a debit and at least one account will have an amount entered as a credit. Further, the total amounts entered as debits must be equal to the total amounts entered as credits. Meeting these requirements will result in the accounting or bookkeeping equation being in balance at all times. Double-entry bookkeeping refers to the 500-year-old system in which each financial transaction of a company is recorded with an entry into at least two of its general ledger accounts.

Single Entry Bookkeeping

The closest example of this basic accounting is the bank account ledger you use to keep track of your spending. Double entry bookkeeping can appear complicated at first, but it’s easy to understand and use once the basic concepts have been learned. According to the Wall Street Journal, early use of the double entry system was documented by Luca Pacioli in the 15th century.

If you’re using the wrong credit or debit card, it could be costing you serious money. Our experts love this top pick, which features a 0% intro APR for 15 months, an insane cash back rate of up to 5%, and all somehow for no annual fee. Using software will also reduce errors and eliminate out-of-balance accounts. While your ledger gives you an idea of how much money is in your account, it does nothing to help you track your expenses, or know how much money your customers owe you. This is how you would record your coffee expense in single-entry accounting.

Who invented double-entry accounting?

For each credit entered into a ledger there must also be a corresponding (and equal) debit. The double entry bookkeeping example shown in this the second lesson of my free course, includes the information we need to add with each entry to our ledger. My first lesson likened an account to the letter T, which is an accepted method for learning the initial basics of bookkeeping. As I am sure you will understand just putting values on the debit or credit side of an account is not enough. In this lesson I start by showing the full entries as you would expect to find them in  your business records. On an income statement, the balances in both expense accounts and loss ones are increased by debits and decreased by credits.

Double entry accounting definition

In the first example written above, you have a scenario where double entry bookkeeping applies to a purchase with credit. Further reading on double entry accounting is available on the Accounting Coach website. Double entry can be complicated to grasp if you are planning to do your accounts; it may be worth investing time in an accounting course or reading some of the books available. We have compiled a list of our top five accounting and bookkeeping books. The advantage of software for your accounts is that the figures are calculated for you.

Inflows and outflows of value are recorded in accounts as either debits or credits, depending on the specifics of the transaction. The method double entry bookkeeping guides accountants into redundant record keeping. Although single entry bookkeeping is simpler, it’s not as reliable as double entry bookkeeping and isn’t a suitable accounting method for medium to large businesses.

Assets (the inventory account) increase by $1,000 and liabilities (accounts payable) increase by $1,000. Business owners who have previously operated on a single-entry system will want to make the switch to a double-entry system as soon as possible. Implementing a double-entry system of accounting will allow you to put your financial statements to better use so that you can measure your financial health and spot errors quickly. As you can see, the entire accounting process starts with double-entry bookkeeping. Double-entry bookkeeping shows all of the money coming in, money going out, and, most importantly, the sources of each transaction.